Castaway With Purpose

A documentary film by Around-n-Over

"Life is a gift -- live it!"

Erden Eruç

The work continues - 2017 Progress Report

2017 has been the year of slow but steady progress. Our documentary team has been chopping away at the 120 plus hours of footage. Our interns have been doing an amazing job to keep us moving forward and continually coming up with creative ways to make cut scenes work.

In the process, we had a small technical set back when one of our drives crashed, but fortunately we had backups and we were able to restore our system without too much hassle. Our director Joe Anaya always tells the team: “Back up and back up often.” So, we are back, up and running.

On a parallel path, we are currently also working with outside vendors for a composite of several shots to try and indicate the vastness of the ocean compared to Erden’s tiny boat and also a small temporary title sequence to give our update snippets a little more polish.
Joe lives in Thousand Oaks a couple towns over from the fires which were raging northwest of Los Angeles, fanned by the Santa Ana winds exceeding 70 miles per hour. The Thomas Fire has now been declared the largest one in the history of California. Fortunately the fires which began on Dec 4th has very little active fire at this time. The fire is reported to be contained and hopefully it will be out in early January.

We had our fingers crossed that that there would be no dramatic evacuation for Joe and family. In addition to saving their own lives, Joe would have had to grab the backup drives on the way out!!!

Looking forward to our continued progress for the coming year with all the support of the people who believed in Erden and believe in the need for this story to be told.
Please stay tuned.